We are currently looking for citizens to serve on the following committees:

To Apply: Please download and fill out the pdf Committee Application Form (194 KB) and email your completed form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deadline to Apply: March 13, 2024

Planning Advisory Committee:

The mandate of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) is to submit formal recommendations to Council on any proposed amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use By-Law (LUB) as advised by the Municipal Planner, to review and provide recommendation to Council on proposed development agreements, and to review and provide recommendations to Council on planning matters in general.

The Planning Advisory Committee is made up of 3 members of Council and 3 members of the public, who form the voting members of the committee. Staff at the Municipality of Argyle, and the Municipal Planner also sit on this committee as advisors.

The Planning Advisory Committee meets as required throughout the year, as planning matters arise. The meetings typically take place at 4:30 p.m. in person at the Argyle Municipal Building, with the option to join the meeting virtually.

Please review pdf Article C35 – Planning Advisory Committee (1.39 MB) for a full description of the committee.

Audit Committee:

The mandate of the Audit Committee is to provide advice to Council on all matters relating to audit and finance. The Audit Committee reviews and recommends approval of the audited financial statements to council, reviews the detailed financial statements as prepared by external auditors, ensures compliance with the provincial government reporting requirements, and any other matters determined by Council to be the duties of an audit committee.

The Audit Committee is made up of 2 Council members (and 1 alternate), and currently one citizen appointment. The Municipality is seeking more citizen representation at this time. The citizen appointment should be someone with financial experience or background. The CAO and Director of Finance sit on the Committee as advisors.

The Audit Committee meets at least twice a year, with the possibility of additional meetings that may be necessary to review items related to the audit.

Please review pdf Article C36 – Audit Committee (1.23 MB) for a full description of the committee.

Accessibility Advisory Committee:

The mandate of the Accessibility Advisory Committee is to provide advice to Council on identifying, preventing, and eliminating barriers to people with disabilities in municipal programs, services, initiatives, and facilities. The Accessibility Advisory Committee advises council on the preparation, implementation, and effectiveness of the Accessibility Plan, reports on the measures the Municipality has taken and intends to take to identify, remove, and prevent barriers, identifies and advises on the accessibility of existing and proposed municipal services and facilities, and monitors federal and provincial directives and regulations. Please review Section 5.3. of pdf Article C46 – Accessibility Advisory Committee (2.11 MB) for full details on the committee’s mandate and responsibilities.

The Accessibility Advisory Committee consists of at least 1 Council Representative and 6 community representatives. At least one half of the members of the Accessibility Advisory Committee must be persons with disabilities or representatives from organizations representing persons with disabilities. Members of staff at the Municipality of Argyle will sit on the committee as advisors.

The Accessibility Advisory Committee meets as required and deemed necessary.

West Pubnico, Tusket, and Wedgeport Sewer Committees:

The mandate of the West Pubnico, Tusket, and Wedgeport Sewer Committees is to provide annual reports and recommendations to Council regarding operating and capital fees of each respective sewer, with assistance from staff.

The Municipality is seeking community representation for the following committees:

  • Wedgeport Sewer Committee
  • Tusket Sewer Committee
  • West Pubnico Sewer Committee

You must reside in the community the sewer is located in and be hooked up to the municipal sewer in that area.

These committees meet at least once per year, with the possibility of more, if the need arises.

Members of Council also sit on this committee as voting members and members of staff sit on the committee as advisors.