- Call Meeting to Order
- Regrets
- Invitation to Stand and Move
- Approval of Agenda/Conflict of Interest Declaration
- Adoption of Minutes
- May 11, 2023 - Regular/Budget Council Meeting Minutes (Attachment)
- Department Head Report - None.
- 7-Day Notice
- REPEAL - Article C40 - Emergency Fund (Attachment)
- For Decision
- First Reading - Development Agreement Application for Storage Facility at 30 Spinney Road (Attachment)
- CMA Quilt - Permanent Home (Attachment)
- J-Class Roads Agreement (Resolution) (Agreement)
- Article C22 - Fees and Penalties (Attachment) (7-Day Notice)
- Seal Island Lighthouse (Attachment)
- Correspondence and For Information
- 12-Month Notice from NSFM (Attachment)
- Courthouse Painting Tender (Attachment)
- RCMP Retroactive Costs (Attachment)
- Financial Requests - District Community Grants
- District 1 Community Grants
- Suggested Motion: To approve a District Community Grant in the amount of $500 for the following organizations in District 1:
- Theatre Sud-Ouest
- SAR New Horizons Seniors Club
- District 2 Community Grants
- Suggested Motion: To approve a District Community Grant in the amount of $500 for the following organizations in District 2:
- Comeau's Hill Cemetery
- Comeau's Hill and Little River Harbour Beach Committee
- Association des Clairmont, DeViller, Fitzgerald, Harris, and Jacquard
- Harbour Hill Community Hall
- District 4 Community Grants
- Suggested Motion: To approve a District Community Grant in the amount of $500 for the following organizations in District 4:
- Par-en-Bas Seniors Club des Aines
- Festival de la Barge
- District 5 Community Grants
- Suggested Motion: To approve a District Community Grant in the amount of $500 for the following organizations in District 5:
- Comité touristique l'Eglse Ste. Anne
- Le Club Acadien
- Village Friends
- Patchwork Pals
- Eve Joe Bourque Wharf Society
- District 6 Community Grants
- Suggested Motion: To approve a District Community Grant in the amount of $500 for the following organizations in District 6:
- Green Grove Cemetery Association
- New Horizons Seaside Park Association
- Argyle Mount Pleasant Cemetery
- Lower Argyle Harbour Cemetery
- Glenwood Hall
- District 7 Community Grants
- Suggested Motion: To approve a District Community Grant in the amount of $500 for the following organizations in District 7:
- East Pubnico New Horizons Club
- Agenda Topics for Next Meeting / Notice of Motion by Councillors
- Question Period
- In Camera - None.
- Adjournment