Public Hearings are opportunities for the public to share their opinions and views on specific topics with Council.

Public Hearings are:

  • Held on specific topics, usually when bylaws are created or altered
  • Held as part of a Council meeting
  • Advertised in advance in the local newspaper
  • Open for anyone to speak or submit written comments (before 3 pm the day of the hearing)

Public Hearings are typically held to consider planning and development-related matters or to consider new By-Laws or changes to existing By-Laws. Upcoming Public Hearings are advertised in The Vanguard at least two weeks in advance. The advertisement will include the date, time, and location of the Hearing.

How do I sign up to speak at a Public Hearing?

On the night of the public hearing, a sign-up sheet will be available, usually starting 15 minutes before the meeting. Anyone who would like to speak may add their name to the list.

What will happen during the Public Hearing?

Staff will give an overview of the topic and respond to questions of clarification from Council. The applicant (or designate) will then be given 10 minutes to present his/her proposal after which he/she will respond to questions of clarification from members of Council. Then, the Chair will call the names on the list of speakers in order. Each person may speak for a maximum of five (5) minutes.

If you don’t add your name to the list, there is still an opportunity to speak. After all the names on the list have been called, the Chair will call three times for any additional speakers. You can indicate your wish to speak at that time.

After the Public Hearing has been closed, Council may discuss the topic. They may make their decision at that time, or they may defer it to a future date. They will not hear any further speakers or accept any further written comments on the topic.

How do I submit written comments for a Public Hearing?

You may submit written comments for a Public Hearing to the Municipal Clerk's Office:

Municipality of Argyle
ATTN: Office of the CAO
5 J.E. Hatfield Court
PO Box 10
Tusket, NS
B0W 3M0
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Your comments must be received before 3:00 pm on the date of the public hearing. Comments received after this time will not be distributed. The comments will be distributed to Council and relevant staff.